Scientific research emerges facts through the collection, organization and interpretation of facts fairly and reputably. Ethical behaviour is an essential responsibility for truth search action. In this context, like all people, researchers are expected to take responsibility for their actions in the scientific community. Within the framework of common responsibility, the responsibilities of the Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research (LimnoFish) are reported below by all stakeholders (author, referee, editor, etc.). Preparing the statement, “Committee on Puplication Ethics (COPE)” was considered internationally and “Council of Higher Education Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive” was considered in national.
Author Ethical Responsibilities
1. The author (s) acknowledge that the article was not published before it was submitted to LimnoFish. This means that the article will not be sent to another publisher until LimnoFish review has been concluded and no “Reject” decision has been taken.
2. The authors inform the editor about the situation at risk of a conflict of interest.
3. Authors share the raw data of the article in the evaluation process of LimnoFish if requested.
4. Authors know that their works, which are published by LimnoFish, cannot be used without permission.
5. Authors declare the author list and order in the original article text when submitting articles to LimnoFish. In the event that a new author is added to the author list and / or removed from the list, he / she knows that they should explain to the editor the detailed justification of the change before the article is published and send the signed document indicating that all authors accepted the change after the alteration.
6. The authors declare that all financial resources and data used for their studies submitted to LimnoFish are obtained from a doctoral or postgraduate study in the acknowledgment section.
7. Authors follow the spelling rules of LimnoFish during article preparation.
8. The author (s) are RESPONSIBLE for;
a) The copyright or other rights of any material contained in the article.
b) The citations from theses or studies that have not yet been presented or accepted.
c) The author (s) are responsible for acts contrary to the ethics of scientific research and publication (plagiarism, distortion, re-publication, slicing, unfair authorship and other types of ethical violations). In case of infringement, LimnoFish has the right to refuse or withdraw even if the article is published and this decision cannot be appealed.
Editors Ethical Responsibilities
1. Editors evaluate their articles according to their technical content only, regardless of the personal and identity characteristics of the authors (gender, belief, nationality, etc.).
2. Editors consult with the ethical advisor to resolve an ethical dilemma between referees and authors.
3. Editors keep technical and personal information about the articles confidential.
4. The editors inform the author (s) of the reasons for the “rejection” decision taken according to the referee and assign section editor reports.
5. Editors decide the candidate article according to referee reports and assign section editor reports.
6. Editors implement double-blind review system with at least two referees to evaluate article.
7. The assign section editors may also act as arbitrators in the manuscripts they deem necessary, if this is stated in the evaluation reports and approved by the editor.
8. The editors process the submitted articles on the pre-evaluation form for the candidate article. Based on the content in this form, it is decided whether the article is to be evaluated or not. In other words, the editors may reject the manuscripts that are outside the scope of the journal, narrow-regional articles and applications that are in contradiction with the scientific writing style without considering the referees.
Reviewers Ethical Responsibilities
Reviewers assigned by editors
1. The reviewers fill out the evaluation form in detail for this article and ensure that this information remains confidential.
2. When they encounter the articles of the authors with whom they have a personal interest relationship, reviewers are withdrawn from refereeing by notifying the reason to the editor.
3. Reviewers evaluate the manuscripts according to their technical content only, regardless of their personal and identity characteristics (gender, belief, nationality, etc.).
4. It informs the editors in detail about the actions they have found that are contrary to scientific research and publication ethics (plagiarism, distortion, re-publication, dissection, unfair authorship and other ethic types).
5. Except for scientific reasons, reviewers cannot recommend adding or removing citations to the article they are examining for their personal interest.
6. Reviewers evaluate as soon as possible considering the interests of the authors.
Rights granted to LimnoFish
The Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries
Research (LimnoFish) reserves the right to withdraw an article, even after its
acceptance, when it becomes clear that there are serious problems with its
scientific content or that the publishing policies of the journal are violated.
Ownership and Management
The Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries
Research (LimnoFish) is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal owned
and directed by the Fisheries Research Institute-Egirdir.
Open Access Policy
All research articles published in LimnoFish are fully open access: immediately freely available to read, download and share. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.