After the manuscripts are evaluated for suitability by the Editor-in-Chief and the relevant Section Editor, they are first sent to the copy editor.
The copy editor checks the conformity of the manuscript with the journal's writing rules.
Then, the article sent to the section editor is subjected to double-blind peer review by at least two reviewers who are experts in their fields.
Reviewers are asked to complete the review within 20 days. However, depending on the length of the article and the referee's responses, the review process may take longer.
The section editor may also send the manuscript to other reviewers for further evaluation.
After the reviewer evaluations, revisions may be requested or a decision may be made to reject the article by explaining the reasons.
Articles that require revision are forwarded to the author.
The section editor sends the revised article to the reviewer for checking.
If it is rejected in line with the decision of the reviewer after the final checks, the article is returned to the author. If the revision is accepted, the article is taken into the publication process.