LimnoFish (Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research) is an international, open access and periodical scientific peer-reviewed journal, which is published three times a year, in April, August and December. LimnoFish is focused on fisheries management, ecology, biology, aquaculture, disease, socio-economy and fish processing technology topics related to only inland waters. This journal publishes research article, short communication, case report, review and letter to the Editor written in English and Turkish languages.
Manuscripts submitted to the journal are evaluated by at least two expert referees. In case of any doubts between the referees about the decision, the manuscripts are sent to another reviewer for final decision.
Evaluation process considers:
LimnoFish (Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research) is an international, open access and periodical scientific peer-reviewed journal, which is published three times a year, in April, August and December. LimnoFish is focused on fisheries management, ecology, biology, aquaculture, disease, socio-economy and fish processing technology topics related to only inland waters. This journal publishes research article, short communication, case report, review and letter to the Editor written in English and Turkish languages.
Scope: LimnoFish comprises the following topics:
- Fisheries Management
- Biology
- Ecology
- Genetic
- Aquaculture and Disease
- Fish Processing Technology
- Fisheries Socio-Economics
Manuscript Process: Manuscripts must be submitted through the Journal’s website. After screening to ensure accordance with the Journal’s scope, the manuscript is sent out to at least two referees for peer-reviewing. Acceptance depends on approval from both referees. In case of disagreement between referees, the manuscript is sent to a third referee for final decision. A "Copyright Release Form" must be signed by all authors after scanning and sent before manuscript submission.
Article Types:
Research Article: The research articles must contain the studies that carried out by using accepted or new scientific methods, include results based on experiments and observations and original and unique study that have differences from previous studies. The manuscript shouldn’t exceed 15 pages with references.
Short Communication: The articles should be prepared according to the research paper format. It should include the findings and methods obtained during a study, currently ongoing, and considered to affect the other researches. It should not exceed 8 pages, including a reference list.
Case Report: This is a article reported of a biotic (disease, parasitism, individual increasing, mortality etc.) or abiotic (water quality, habitat, climate etc) case that encountered during the research. The case report shouldn’t exceed 8 pages with references.
Letter to the Editor: The letter to the editor should include an idea, a hypothesis or a proposal for new research method related to the topic of the journal in the nature of response or comment to the article which published in the journal in company with scientific supports. The tables and figures may be used. It should not exceed 8 pages.