Benthic Macro-invertebrate Community Diversity of Orhuwhorun River in Udu Wetlands.
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 53 - 62, 25.08.2023
Gloria Akohame Osuınde
John Ovie Olomukoro
Benthic macro-invertebrate studies were done on Orhuwhorun River in Udu wetlands in Delta State, Southern Nigeria from March to December, 2011 in three selected stations. Sampling was done using a hand modified Eckman grab for sand and silt, the kick sampling technique and floatation method. They were sorted and identified using identification keys. A total of 2466 individuals were recorded in 66 taxa species belonging to thirteen (13) groups. Crustacean was the dominant group (36.29%) closely followed by gastropoda (35.60%) and diptera (21.04%). Significant similarity in fauna composition was observed. Station 3 had the highest population density with a relative abundance of 58.19% followed by station 2 (32.03%) and station 1 (9.77%). Diptera had the highest species diversity while nematode and lepidoptera had the least amongst the groups. Station 1 had the highest species richness (d) followed by station 3 and least in station 2. Species diversity showed no significant difference between the stations. Values for pollution tolerance index ranged between 13 and 15 at the stations. The highest value for pollution tolerance (PTI) was recorded in station 2 and the least in station 1. Positive significant correlations existed between most benthic organisms. The water quality is described as “fair”.
Destekleyen Kurum
University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Robert Nsisong in collection of samples and Dr. Dirisu A-R for technical advice in the fieldwork and write-up.
- Ajao EA, Fagade SO. 2002. The benthic macrofauna of Lagos lagoon. The Zoologist 1(2):1–15.
- Aller RC, Cochran JK. 2019. The Critical Role of Bioturbation for Particle Dynamics, Priming Potential, and Organic C Remineralization in Marine Sediments: Local and Basin Scales. Front. Earth Sci. 7:157.
doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00157
- Asibor G. 2009. Wetlands: values, uses and challenges. A Paper presented to the Nigerian Environmental Society at the Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun, 21st November, 2009.
- Anyanwu ED, Okorie MC, Odo SN. 2019. Macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of water quality of effluent-receiving Ossah River, Umuahia, Southeast Nigeria. ZANCO J. of Pure and Appl. Sci. 31(5):9-17.
doi: 10.21271/zjpas
- Arimoro FO, Odume ON, Uhunoma SI, Edegbene AO. 2015. Anthropogenic impact on water chemistry and benthic macroinvertebrate associated changes in a southern Nigeria stream. Environ. Monitor. and Assess. 187:14. doi: 10.1007/s10661-014-4251-2
- Barbour MT, Paul MJ. 2010. Adding value to water resource management through biological assessment of river. Hydrobiologia. 651: 17 – 24. doi:10.1007/s10750-010-0287-7
- Bishop JE. 1973. Limnology of a small Malayan river, Sungai Gombak. Dr. W. Sunk publishers. The Hague, 485pp. doi:10.1007/978-94-010-2692-5
- Diaz RJ, Solan M, Vahente RM. 2004. A review of approaches for classifying benthic habitats and evaluating habitat quality. J Env Manage. 73: 165 – 181. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2004.06.004
- Egborge ABM, Ezemonye, LIN, Awoze GE. 2003. Macro-invert fauna of Udu-Ughievwen wetlands, Southern Nigeria. J of Aqua Sci. 18(1):1 – 8. doi: 10.4314/jas.v18i1.19937
- Ezemonye LIN, Olomukoro JO, Igbinosun E. 2004. Comparative studies of macro-invertebrate community structure in two river-catchment areas (Warri and Forcados) in Delta State, Nigeria. Afr Sci. 5(4):181 – 191.
- Gray JS. 1985. Ecological theory and marine pollution monitoring. Mar Poll Bull. 16:224 – 227. doi: 10.1016/0025-326X(85)90504-1
- Halim A, Sharmin S, Rahman, H., Haque M, Rahman S, Islam S. 2018. Assessment of water quality parameters in baor environment, Bangladesh: A review. Int. J. of Fisheries and Aqua. Stud. 6(2), 269-263.
- Hammer Ø, Harper DAT, Ryan PD. 2001. PAST: Paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis. Paleontologia Electronica. 4(1):9pp.
- Hepp LU, Restello RM, Milesi SV. 2013. Distribution of aquatic insects in urban headwater streams. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia. ; 25(1):1–9. doi: 10.1590/S2179-975X2013005000014.
- Hu S, Niu Z, Chen Y. 2017 Global wetlands: Potential distribution, wetland loss, and status. Sci. of the Total Environ. 586:319–327. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.001
- Hynes HBN. 1971. The ecology of running water. Toronto University press. 555pp.
- Ikomi RB, Arimoro FO, Odihirin OK. 2005. Composition, distribution and abundance of macroinvertebrates of the upper Reaches of River Ethiopia Delta State, Nigeria. The Zoologist. 3:68-81.
- Keddy PA. 2010. Wetland ecology: principles and conservation. Cambridge University Press.
- Klemm DJ, Philip AL, Florence Lozoreckak. 1990. Macroinvertebrate field and laboratory method for evaluating the biology integrity of surface water. U.S EPA, EPA/600/4-90.030 xii, 256pp.
- Lajtner J, Kozak A, Špoljar M, Kuczyńska-Kippen N, Dražina T, Sertić Perić M, Tkalčec I, Gottstein S, Zrinščak I. 2022. Gastropod Assemblages Associated with Habitat Heterogeneity and Hydrological Shifts in Two Shallow Waterbodies. Water. 14:2290. doi: 10.3390/w14152290.
- Mandal SH, Das A, Nanda AK. 2012. Study of some Physicochemical Water Quality Parameters of Karola River, West Bengal- An Attempt to Estimate Pollution Status, International J. of Envir. Protection, 2(8): 16-22.
- May RM. 1981. Theoretical ecology, principles and applications, 2nd Ed. Oxford: Blackwell scientific publications, 489pp.
- Mellanby H. 1963. Animal life in freshwater. Chapman and Hall, London. 308pp.
- Muralidharan M, Selvakumar C, Sundar S, Raja M. 2010. Macro-invertebrate as potential indicators of environmental quality. Inter J of Bio Tech. 1:23-28.
- Needham JG, Needham PR. 1962. A Guide to the study of freshwater biology. Holden-Day, San Francisco.108pp.
- Ogbeibu AE. 2001. Composition and diversity of Diptera in temporary pond in Southern Nigeria, Trop Ecol 42(2):259 – 268.
- Ogbeibu AE, Ehiorobo SI. 2020. Physicochemical Characteristics of the Okomu Wetland, Edo State, Nigeria. Nigerian J. of Envir Sci and Tech. (NIJEST). 4:(2):398 – 410. doi: 10.36263/nijest.2020.02.0225
- Olomukoro JO. 1983. Limnological investigations of macrobenthic fauna of Eruvbi stream. A tributary of the river Ikpoba, Benin City, Nigeria. Msc. Thesis, University of Benin, Nigeria.
- Olomukoro JO. 1996. Macrobenthic fauna of Warri river in Delta State of Nigeria. Ph.d Thesis, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. 350pp.
- Olomukoro JO. 2007. Salinity and the macrobenthic community structure in Eichhornia crassipes of Warri River, Nigeria. J of Bio Sci. 7(2):309-314. doi: 10.3923/jbs.2007.309.314
- Olomukoro JO. 2008. Factors influencing the benthic macro-fauna of erosional biotope in Warri River, Nigeria. Biosci Res Comm. 20(33):153-165.
- Olomukoro JO, Egborge ABM. 2003. Hydrobiological studies on Warri River, Nigeria; Part I: The composition, distribution and diversity of macrobenthic fauna. Bios Res Comm. 15(4):15-22.
- Olomukoro JO, Ezemonye LN. 2007. Assessment of the macro-invertebrates fauna of rivers in southern Nigeria, Afr Zoo 42(1): 1 – 11. doi: 10.1080./15627020.2007.11407371
- Olomukoro JO Azubuike CN. 2009. Heavy metals and macro-invertebrates communities in bottom sediment of Ekpan creek, Warri, Nigeria. Jordan J of Bio Sci 2(1):1 – 8.
- Olomukoro JO, Osuinde GA. 2015. Associations of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages with environmental variables in a creek flowing through an urban area in southern Nigeria. Eger J Sci and Tech. 15:141-156.
- Olomukoro JO, Osamuyiamen IM, Dirisu A-R. 2013. Ecological Survey of Macrobenthic Invertebrates of Selected Ponds in Agbede Flood Plain, Southern Nigeria. J of Bio Agric and Healthcare. 3(10):23-29.
- Olomukoro JO, Dirisu AR. 2013. Biodiversity and pollution tolerance index of selected rivers in derived savannah belt in Edo-North, Nigeria. In proceedings of the 4th Annual Biodiversity Conference on “Sustaining the Remaining Tropical Biodiversity.” 54-59pp.
- Olomukoro JO, Dirisu A-R. 2014. Status and the Diversity of Macrobenthos of Udu – Ghievwen Wetlands in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. J of Nat Sci Res. 4(18): 1-6.
- Olomukoro JO, Anani OA. 2019. Evaluation of aquatic macro-invertebrate populations: a model for emergent bio-monitoring guide for quantifying uncleanness of some Rivers in Northern Central Nigeria. NJTR. 14(2): 54-62. doi: 10.4314/njtr.v14i2.7
- Pennak RW. 1978. Freshwater invertebrates of the United States. Press 2nd Edn. John and Sons, 18: 803. doi: 10.4319/lo.1980.25.2.0383a
- Ramsar Convention Secretariat (RCS) 2007. Wise use of wetlands: a conceptual framework for the wise use of wetlands. Ramsar handbooks for the wise use of wetlands. 3rd edn. Ramsar Convention Secretariat Gland, Switzerland.
- Silva G, Costa J, De Almeida T, Costa M. 2006. Structure and dynamics of a benthic invert community in an intertidal area of the Tagus Estuary, Western Portugal: A six year data series. Hydrobiologica 555(1):115 – 128. doi: 10.1007/1-4020-46972-9 10
- Slack KV, Nauman JW, Tilley LJ. 1979. Benthic invertebrates in a North flowing stream, Brooks Range, Alaska. Water Res Bull. 15(1):108 – 135. doi:10.1111/j.1752-1688.1979.tb00293.x
- Spyra A. 2017. Acidic, neutral and alkaline forest ponds as a landscape element affecting the biodiversity of freshwater snails. Sci Nat. 104:73. doi: 10.1007/s00114-017-1495-z
- Stenert C, Maltchik L. 2007. Influence of area, altitude and hydroperiod on macroinvertebrate communities in southern Brazil Wetlands. Marine and Freshwater Res. (58):993-1001. doi: 10.1071/mf07073
- Stickle WB, Carrington E, Hayford H. 2017. Seasonal changes in the thermal regime and gastropod tolerance to temperature and desiccation stress in the rocky intertidal zone. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. 488: 83–91.
doi: 10.1016/j.jembe/.2016.12.006
- Uwadiae RE. 2013. Spatial patterns in diversity and distribution of benthic molluscs in a weak tidal tropical lagoon. Inter. J. of Mar. Sci. 3(14):111-120. doi: 10.5376/ijms.2013.03.0014
- Verberk WCEP, Leuven RSEW, Van der Velde G, Gaber F. 2018. Thermal limits in native and alien freshwater precarid Crustacea: the role of habitat use and oxygen limitation. Funct. Zool. 32 (4):926-936.
Victor R, Ogbeibu AE. 1985. Macrobenthic invertebrates of a stream flowing through farmlands in southern Nigeria. Env Pollut Series. A, 39:337-349. doi: 10.1016/0143-1471(85)90114-x
- Xu M, Wang Z, Duan X, Pan B. 2014. Effects of pollution on macroinvertebrates and water quality bio-assessment. Hydrobiologia. 729:247–259. doi: 10.1007/s10750-013-1504-y
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 53 - 62, 25.08.2023
Gloria Akohame Osuınde
John Ovie Olomukoro
- Ajao EA, Fagade SO. 2002. The benthic macrofauna of Lagos lagoon. The Zoologist 1(2):1–15.
- Aller RC, Cochran JK. 2019. The Critical Role of Bioturbation for Particle Dynamics, Priming Potential, and Organic C Remineralization in Marine Sediments: Local and Basin Scales. Front. Earth Sci. 7:157.
doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00157
- Asibor G. 2009. Wetlands: values, uses and challenges. A Paper presented to the Nigerian Environmental Society at the Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun, 21st November, 2009.
- Anyanwu ED, Okorie MC, Odo SN. 2019. Macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of water quality of effluent-receiving Ossah River, Umuahia, Southeast Nigeria. ZANCO J. of Pure and Appl. Sci. 31(5):9-17.
doi: 10.21271/zjpas
- Arimoro FO, Odume ON, Uhunoma SI, Edegbene AO. 2015. Anthropogenic impact on water chemistry and benthic macroinvertebrate associated changes in a southern Nigeria stream. Environ. Monitor. and Assess. 187:14. doi: 10.1007/s10661-014-4251-2
- Barbour MT, Paul MJ. 2010. Adding value to water resource management through biological assessment of river. Hydrobiologia. 651: 17 – 24. doi:10.1007/s10750-010-0287-7
- Bishop JE. 1973. Limnology of a small Malayan river, Sungai Gombak. Dr. W. Sunk publishers. The Hague, 485pp. doi:10.1007/978-94-010-2692-5
- Diaz RJ, Solan M, Vahente RM. 2004. A review of approaches for classifying benthic habitats and evaluating habitat quality. J Env Manage. 73: 165 – 181. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2004.06.004
- Egborge ABM, Ezemonye, LIN, Awoze GE. 2003. Macro-invert fauna of Udu-Ughievwen wetlands, Southern Nigeria. J of Aqua Sci. 18(1):1 – 8. doi: 10.4314/jas.v18i1.19937
- Ezemonye LIN, Olomukoro JO, Igbinosun E. 2004. Comparative studies of macro-invertebrate community structure in two river-catchment areas (Warri and Forcados) in Delta State, Nigeria. Afr Sci. 5(4):181 – 191.
- Gray JS. 1985. Ecological theory and marine pollution monitoring. Mar Poll Bull. 16:224 – 227. doi: 10.1016/0025-326X(85)90504-1
- Halim A, Sharmin S, Rahman, H., Haque M, Rahman S, Islam S. 2018. Assessment of water quality parameters in baor environment, Bangladesh: A review. Int. J. of Fisheries and Aqua. Stud. 6(2), 269-263.
- Hammer Ø, Harper DAT, Ryan PD. 2001. PAST: Paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis. Paleontologia Electronica. 4(1):9pp.
- Hepp LU, Restello RM, Milesi SV. 2013. Distribution of aquatic insects in urban headwater streams. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia. ; 25(1):1–9. doi: 10.1590/S2179-975X2013005000014.
- Hu S, Niu Z, Chen Y. 2017 Global wetlands: Potential distribution, wetland loss, and status. Sci. of the Total Environ. 586:319–327. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.001
- Hynes HBN. 1971. The ecology of running water. Toronto University press. 555pp.
- Ikomi RB, Arimoro FO, Odihirin OK. 2005. Composition, distribution and abundance of macroinvertebrates of the upper Reaches of River Ethiopia Delta State, Nigeria. The Zoologist. 3:68-81.
- Keddy PA. 2010. Wetland ecology: principles and conservation. Cambridge University Press.
- Klemm DJ, Philip AL, Florence Lozoreckak. 1990. Macroinvertebrate field and laboratory method for evaluating the biology integrity of surface water. U.S EPA, EPA/600/4-90.030 xii, 256pp.
- Lajtner J, Kozak A, Špoljar M, Kuczyńska-Kippen N, Dražina T, Sertić Perić M, Tkalčec I, Gottstein S, Zrinščak I. 2022. Gastropod Assemblages Associated with Habitat Heterogeneity and Hydrological Shifts in Two Shallow Waterbodies. Water. 14:2290. doi: 10.3390/w14152290.
- Mandal SH, Das A, Nanda AK. 2012. Study of some Physicochemical Water Quality Parameters of Karola River, West Bengal- An Attempt to Estimate Pollution Status, International J. of Envir. Protection, 2(8): 16-22.
- May RM. 1981. Theoretical ecology, principles and applications, 2nd Ed. Oxford: Blackwell scientific publications, 489pp.
- Mellanby H. 1963. Animal life in freshwater. Chapman and Hall, London. 308pp.
- Muralidharan M, Selvakumar C, Sundar S, Raja M. 2010. Macro-invertebrate as potential indicators of environmental quality. Inter J of Bio Tech. 1:23-28.
- Needham JG, Needham PR. 1962. A Guide to the study of freshwater biology. Holden-Day, San Francisco.108pp.
- Ogbeibu AE. 2001. Composition and diversity of Diptera in temporary pond in Southern Nigeria, Trop Ecol 42(2):259 – 268.
- Ogbeibu AE, Ehiorobo SI. 2020. Physicochemical Characteristics of the Okomu Wetland, Edo State, Nigeria. Nigerian J. of Envir Sci and Tech. (NIJEST). 4:(2):398 – 410. doi: 10.36263/nijest.2020.02.0225
- Olomukoro JO. 1983. Limnological investigations of macrobenthic fauna of Eruvbi stream. A tributary of the river Ikpoba, Benin City, Nigeria. Msc. Thesis, University of Benin, Nigeria.
- Olomukoro JO. 1996. Macrobenthic fauna of Warri river in Delta State of Nigeria. Ph.d Thesis, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. 350pp.
- Olomukoro JO. 2007. Salinity and the macrobenthic community structure in Eichhornia crassipes of Warri River, Nigeria. J of Bio Sci. 7(2):309-314. doi: 10.3923/jbs.2007.309.314
- Olomukoro JO. 2008. Factors influencing the benthic macro-fauna of erosional biotope in Warri River, Nigeria. Biosci Res Comm. 20(33):153-165.
- Olomukoro JO, Egborge ABM. 2003. Hydrobiological studies on Warri River, Nigeria; Part I: The composition, distribution and diversity of macrobenthic fauna. Bios Res Comm. 15(4):15-22.
- Olomukoro JO, Ezemonye LN. 2007. Assessment of the macro-invertebrates fauna of rivers in southern Nigeria, Afr Zoo 42(1): 1 – 11. doi: 10.1080./15627020.2007.11407371
- Olomukoro JO Azubuike CN. 2009. Heavy metals and macro-invertebrates communities in bottom sediment of Ekpan creek, Warri, Nigeria. Jordan J of Bio Sci 2(1):1 – 8.
- Olomukoro JO, Osuinde GA. 2015. Associations of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages with environmental variables in a creek flowing through an urban area in southern Nigeria. Eger J Sci and Tech. 15:141-156.
- Olomukoro JO, Osamuyiamen IM, Dirisu A-R. 2013. Ecological Survey of Macrobenthic Invertebrates of Selected Ponds in Agbede Flood Plain, Southern Nigeria. J of Bio Agric and Healthcare. 3(10):23-29.
- Olomukoro JO, Dirisu AR. 2013. Biodiversity and pollution tolerance index of selected rivers in derived savannah belt in Edo-North, Nigeria. In proceedings of the 4th Annual Biodiversity Conference on “Sustaining the Remaining Tropical Biodiversity.” 54-59pp.
- Olomukoro JO, Dirisu A-R. 2014. Status and the Diversity of Macrobenthos of Udu – Ghievwen Wetlands in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. J of Nat Sci Res. 4(18): 1-6.
- Olomukoro JO, Anani OA. 2019. Evaluation of aquatic macro-invertebrate populations: a model for emergent bio-monitoring guide for quantifying uncleanness of some Rivers in Northern Central Nigeria. NJTR. 14(2): 54-62. doi: 10.4314/njtr.v14i2.7
- Pennak RW. 1978. Freshwater invertebrates of the United States. Press 2nd Edn. John and Sons, 18: 803. doi: 10.4319/lo.1980.25.2.0383a
- Ramsar Convention Secretariat (RCS) 2007. Wise use of wetlands: a conceptual framework for the wise use of wetlands. Ramsar handbooks for the wise use of wetlands. 3rd edn. Ramsar Convention Secretariat Gland, Switzerland.
- Silva G, Costa J, De Almeida T, Costa M. 2006. Structure and dynamics of a benthic invert community in an intertidal area of the Tagus Estuary, Western Portugal: A six year data series. Hydrobiologica 555(1):115 – 128. doi: 10.1007/1-4020-46972-9 10
- Slack KV, Nauman JW, Tilley LJ. 1979. Benthic invertebrates in a North flowing stream, Brooks Range, Alaska. Water Res Bull. 15(1):108 – 135. doi:10.1111/j.1752-1688.1979.tb00293.x
- Spyra A. 2017. Acidic, neutral and alkaline forest ponds as a landscape element affecting the biodiversity of freshwater snails. Sci Nat. 104:73. doi: 10.1007/s00114-017-1495-z
- Stenert C, Maltchik L. 2007. Influence of area, altitude and hydroperiod on macroinvertebrate communities in southern Brazil Wetlands. Marine and Freshwater Res. (58):993-1001. doi: 10.1071/mf07073
- Stickle WB, Carrington E, Hayford H. 2017. Seasonal changes in the thermal regime and gastropod tolerance to temperature and desiccation stress in the rocky intertidal zone. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. 488: 83–91.
doi: 10.1016/j.jembe/.2016.12.006
- Uwadiae RE. 2013. Spatial patterns in diversity and distribution of benthic molluscs in a weak tidal tropical lagoon. Inter. J. of Mar. Sci. 3(14):111-120. doi: 10.5376/ijms.2013.03.0014
- Verberk WCEP, Leuven RSEW, Van der Velde G, Gaber F. 2018. Thermal limits in native and alien freshwater precarid Crustacea: the role of habitat use and oxygen limitation. Funct. Zool. 32 (4):926-936.
Victor R, Ogbeibu AE. 1985. Macrobenthic invertebrates of a stream flowing through farmlands in southern Nigeria. Env Pollut Series. A, 39:337-349. doi: 10.1016/0143-1471(85)90114-x
- Xu M, Wang Z, Duan X, Pan B. 2014. Effects of pollution on macroinvertebrates and water quality bio-assessment. Hydrobiologia. 729:247–259. doi: 10.1007/s10750-013-1504-y