Research Article
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Adsorption Process of Ammonium by Natural Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) from Aqueous Solution for Aquaculture Application

Year 2019, , 136 - 141, 27.08.2019


Ammonia is an important nutrient in primary production, but high ammonia
concentration is directly or indirectly toxic to many species of aquatic organisms.
Ammonia and other toxic metabolites can be managed by adsorption and ion
exchange. Zeolite is naturally occurring structured, aluminosilicate with high
cation exchange and ion adsorption capacity. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effects of zeolite on the ammonium adsorption at different particle
sizes (0.075 mm, 3-5 mm) and adsorbent dosages (5 g/l, 10 g/l, 15 g/l) from
aquatic solution. This research was conducted by trial groups with 3 repetitions
during 330 min. Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and ammonium values
were measured during the trial period at regular intervals. Depending on the
relevant literature, TAN (Total Ammonium Nitrogen) and adsorption efficiency
were also calculated. This study values showed a decrease of TAN concentration
in all the groups with increasing contact time. For different particle size and
adsorbent dosage of zeolite, the best efficiency (44.1%) is determined at added 15
g/l and 0.075 mm zeolite group (P˂0.05). Our results revealed that zeolite might
be used for ammonia removal in aquaculture.


  • Alshameri A, Yan C, Alani Y, Dawood AS, Ibrahim A, Zhou C, Wang H. 2014. An investigation into the adsorption removal of ammonium by salt activated Chinese (Hulaodu) natural zeolite: Kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamics. J Taiwan Inst Chem E. 45(2):554–564. doi: 10.1016/j.jtice.2013.05.008
  • Alshameri A, He H, Zhu J, Xı Y, Zhu R, Ma L, Tao Q. 2017. Adsorption of ammonium by different natural clay minerals: Characterization, kinetics and adsorption isotherms. Appl Clay Sci. 159:83-93. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2017.11.007
  • Aydın Temel F, Kuleyin A. 2016. Ammonium removal from landfill leachate using natural zeolite: kinetic, equilibrium, and thermodynamic studies. Desalin Water Treat. 57(50):23873-23892. doi: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1136964
  • Bock G. 2016. Removal of high and low levels of ammonium from industrial wastewaters [Master’s Thesis]. University of Nevada. 82 p.
  • Chow CWK, Davey DE, Mulcahy DE. 1997. An intelligent sensor system for the determination of ammonia using flow injection analysis. Laboratory Automation and Information Management. 33(1):17-27. doi: 10.1016/S1381-141X(97)00004-X
  • Demir A, Gunay A, Debik E. 2002. Ammonium removal from aqueous solution by ion-exchange using packed bed natural zeolite. Water SA. 28(3):329-336.
  • Emerson K, Russo RC, Lunt RE, Thurston RV. 1975. Aqueous ammonia equilibrium calculations: effect of pH and temperature. J Fish Res Board Can. 32(12):2379-2383. doi: 10.1139/f75-274
  • EPA 1999. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Ambient water quality criteria for ammonia; [cited 2018 Feb 18]. Available from ckey=20003O3L.PDF
  • Ghiasi F, Jasour MS. 2012. The Effects of Natural Zeolite (Clinoptilolte) on Water Quality, Growth Performance and Nutritional Parameters of fresh water aquarium fish, Angel (Pterophyllum scalare). International Journal of Research in Fisheries and Aquaculture. 2(3):22-25.
  • Gierak A, Lazarska I. 2017. Adsorption of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium ions on carbon adsorbents. Adsorption Science and Technology. 35(7–8):721–727. doi: 10.1177/0263617417708085
  • Inglezakis VJ. 2005. The concept of ‘‘capacity’’ in zeolite ion–exchange systems. J Colloid Interf Sci. 281(1):68-79. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2004.08.082
  • Iskander AL, Khald EM, Sheta AS. 2014. Zinc and manganese sorption behavior by natural zeolite and bentonite. Annals of Agricultural Science. 56(1):43-48. doi: 10.1016/j.aoas.2011.05.002
  • Ismadji S, Shentong D, Soetaredj FE, Ayucıtra A, Yu WH, Zhou CH. 2016. Bentonite hydrochar composite for removal of ammonium from Koi fish tank. Appl Clay Sci. 119:146-154. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2015.08.022
  • Jorgensen TC. 2002. Removal of ammonia from wastewater by ion exchange in the presence of organic compounds [Master’s Thesıs]. University of Canterbury Christchurch. 174 p. Kammerer J, Carle R, Kammer DR. 2011. Adsorption and Ion Exchange: Basic Principles and Their Application in Food Processing. J Agr Food Chem. 59(1):22-42. doi: 10.1021/jf1032203
  • Karadağ D, Koç Y, Turan M, Armağan B. 2006. Removal of ammonium ion from aqueous solution using Turkish Clinoptilolite. J Hazard Mater. 136(3):604-609. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2005.12.042
  • Mazeikiene A, Valentukevicien M, Rimeik M, Matuzevicius AB, Dauknys R. 2008. Removal of nitrates and ammonium ions from water using natural sorbent:zeolites (clinoptilolite). J Environ Eng Landsc. 16(1):38-44. doi: 10.3846/1648-6897.2008.16.38-44
  • Nicolae CG, Sava SC, Marin MP, Pogurschi E, Sava BA. 2017. Innovative solutions for removing nitrogen compounds from water of recirculating aquaculture systems using clinoptilolite natural zeolites. Current Trends in Natural Sciences. 6(11):105-109.
  • Oluwaseyi AM. 2016. Application of dietary bentonite clay as feed additive on feed quality, water quality and production performance of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) [PhD Thesis]. Stellenbosch University. 193 p.
  • Öz M, Sahin D, Aral O. 2010. Using of the natural zeolite clinoptilolite in transportation of fingerling trout (Oncorynchus mykiss, W., 1792). Journal of 4 (3):264-268. doi: 10.3153/jfscom.2010028
  • Öz M, Sahin D, Aral O. 2015. The effect of natural zeolite clinoptilolite on aquarium water conditions. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemical. 44(2):205-208. doi: 10.15671/HJBC.20164418130
  • Prajapati S. 2014. Cation exchange for ammonia removal from wastewater [Master’s Thesis]. Tampere University of Technology. 82 p.
  • Saltalı K, Sarı A, Aydın M. 2007. Removal of Ammonium ion from aqueous solution by natural Turkish (Yıldızeli) zeolite for environmental quality. J Hazard Mater. 14(1):258-263. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.06.124
  • Taş B, Candan AY, Can Ö, Topkara S. 2010. Ulugöl (Ordu)’ün Bazı Fiziko-Kimyasal Özellikleri. Journal of 4(3):254-263. doi: 10.3153/jfscom.2010027
  • Zabochnicka-Swiatek M, Malinska K. 2010. Removal of ammonia by clinoptilolite. Global Nest J. 12(3):256-261.
  • Zar JH. 2010. Biostatistical Analysis, Books a la Carte Edition (5th Edition). United State of America: Pearson 960 p.

Su Ürünlerinde Doğal Zeolit (Klinoptilolit) ile Amonyum Adsorpsiyonu

Year 2019, , 136 - 141, 27.08.2019


Amonyak, birincil üretimde önemli bir besin maddesidir, ancak yüksek amonyak konsantrasyonu, birçok sucul organizma
türüne doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak toksiktir. Amonyak ve diğer toksik metabolitler adsorpsiyon ve iyon değişimi ile yönetilebilir.
Zeolit doğal olarak oluşan, yüksek katyon değişimi ve iyon adsorpsiyon kapasitesine sahip bir alüminosilikattır. Bu çalışmanın
amacı, farklı partikül büyüklüğü (0,075 mm, 3-5 mm) ve adsorbant miktarına (5 g/l, 10 g/l, 15 g/l) bağlı olarak zeolit ile sucul
ortamdan amonyum adsorpsiyonunun sağlanmasıdır. Araştırma, 3 tekerrürlü deneme grupları üzerinden 330 dakika boyunca
yürütülmüştür. Deneme süresi boyunca, düzenli aralıklarla su sıcaklığı, pH, çözünmüş oksijen ve amonyum değerleri ölçülmüş,
TAN (Toplam Amonyum Azotu) ve adsorpsiyon verimi ilgili literatüre bağlı olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çalışma değerleri artan temas
süresi ile tüm gruplarda TAN konsantrasyonunun azaldığını göstermiştir. Zeolitin farklı partikül büyüklüğü ve adsorbant miktarı
için en iyi verim (% 44,1) 15 g/l ve 0,075 mm zeolit grubunda belirlenmiştir (P˂0,05). Sonuç olarak, zeolitin su ürünleri
yetiştiriciliğinde amonyak giderimi için kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.


  • Alshameri A, Yan C, Alani Y, Dawood AS, Ibrahim A, Zhou C, Wang H. 2014. An investigation into the adsorption removal of ammonium by salt activated Chinese (Hulaodu) natural zeolite: Kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamics. J Taiwan Inst Chem E. 45(2):554–564. doi: 10.1016/j.jtice.2013.05.008
  • Alshameri A, He H, Zhu J, Xı Y, Zhu R, Ma L, Tao Q. 2017. Adsorption of ammonium by different natural clay minerals: Characterization, kinetics and adsorption isotherms. Appl Clay Sci. 159:83-93. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2017.11.007
  • Aydın Temel F, Kuleyin A. 2016. Ammonium removal from landfill leachate using natural zeolite: kinetic, equilibrium, and thermodynamic studies. Desalin Water Treat. 57(50):23873-23892. doi: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1136964
  • Bock G. 2016. Removal of high and low levels of ammonium from industrial wastewaters [Master’s Thesis]. University of Nevada. 82 p.
  • Chow CWK, Davey DE, Mulcahy DE. 1997. An intelligent sensor system for the determination of ammonia using flow injection analysis. Laboratory Automation and Information Management. 33(1):17-27. doi: 10.1016/S1381-141X(97)00004-X
  • Demir A, Gunay A, Debik E. 2002. Ammonium removal from aqueous solution by ion-exchange using packed bed natural zeolite. Water SA. 28(3):329-336.
  • Emerson K, Russo RC, Lunt RE, Thurston RV. 1975. Aqueous ammonia equilibrium calculations: effect of pH and temperature. J Fish Res Board Can. 32(12):2379-2383. doi: 10.1139/f75-274
  • EPA 1999. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Ambient water quality criteria for ammonia; [cited 2018 Feb 18]. Available from ckey=20003O3L.PDF
  • Ghiasi F, Jasour MS. 2012. The Effects of Natural Zeolite (Clinoptilolte) on Water Quality, Growth Performance and Nutritional Parameters of fresh water aquarium fish, Angel (Pterophyllum scalare). International Journal of Research in Fisheries and Aquaculture. 2(3):22-25.
  • Gierak A, Lazarska I. 2017. Adsorption of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium ions on carbon adsorbents. Adsorption Science and Technology. 35(7–8):721–727. doi: 10.1177/0263617417708085
  • Inglezakis VJ. 2005. The concept of ‘‘capacity’’ in zeolite ion–exchange systems. J Colloid Interf Sci. 281(1):68-79. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2004.08.082
  • Iskander AL, Khald EM, Sheta AS. 2014. Zinc and manganese sorption behavior by natural zeolite and bentonite. Annals of Agricultural Science. 56(1):43-48. doi: 10.1016/j.aoas.2011.05.002
  • Ismadji S, Shentong D, Soetaredj FE, Ayucıtra A, Yu WH, Zhou CH. 2016. Bentonite hydrochar composite for removal of ammonium from Koi fish tank. Appl Clay Sci. 119:146-154. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2015.08.022
  • Jorgensen TC. 2002. Removal of ammonia from wastewater by ion exchange in the presence of organic compounds [Master’s Thesıs]. University of Canterbury Christchurch. 174 p. Kammerer J, Carle R, Kammer DR. 2011. Adsorption and Ion Exchange: Basic Principles and Their Application in Food Processing. J Agr Food Chem. 59(1):22-42. doi: 10.1021/jf1032203
  • Karadağ D, Koç Y, Turan M, Armağan B. 2006. Removal of ammonium ion from aqueous solution using Turkish Clinoptilolite. J Hazard Mater. 136(3):604-609. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2005.12.042
  • Mazeikiene A, Valentukevicien M, Rimeik M, Matuzevicius AB, Dauknys R. 2008. Removal of nitrates and ammonium ions from water using natural sorbent:zeolites (clinoptilolite). J Environ Eng Landsc. 16(1):38-44. doi: 10.3846/1648-6897.2008.16.38-44
  • Nicolae CG, Sava SC, Marin MP, Pogurschi E, Sava BA. 2017. Innovative solutions for removing nitrogen compounds from water of recirculating aquaculture systems using clinoptilolite natural zeolites. Current Trends in Natural Sciences. 6(11):105-109.
  • Oluwaseyi AM. 2016. Application of dietary bentonite clay as feed additive on feed quality, water quality and production performance of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) [PhD Thesis]. Stellenbosch University. 193 p.
  • Öz M, Sahin D, Aral O. 2010. Using of the natural zeolite clinoptilolite in transportation of fingerling trout (Oncorynchus mykiss, W., 1792). Journal of 4 (3):264-268. doi: 10.3153/jfscom.2010028
  • Öz M, Sahin D, Aral O. 2015. The effect of natural zeolite clinoptilolite on aquarium water conditions. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemical. 44(2):205-208. doi: 10.15671/HJBC.20164418130
  • Prajapati S. 2014. Cation exchange for ammonia removal from wastewater [Master’s Thesis]. Tampere University of Technology. 82 p.
  • Saltalı K, Sarı A, Aydın M. 2007. Removal of Ammonium ion from aqueous solution by natural Turkish (Yıldızeli) zeolite for environmental quality. J Hazard Mater. 14(1):258-263. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.06.124
  • Taş B, Candan AY, Can Ö, Topkara S. 2010. Ulugöl (Ordu)’ün Bazı Fiziko-Kimyasal Özellikleri. Journal of 4(3):254-263. doi: 10.3153/jfscom.2010027
  • Zabochnicka-Swiatek M, Malinska K. 2010. Removal of ammonia by clinoptilolite. Global Nest J. 12(3):256-261.
  • Zar JH. 2010. Biostatistical Analysis, Books a la Carte Edition (5th Edition). United State of America: Pearson 960 p.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Dilek Şahin 0000-0003-4454-9030

Meryem Öz 0000-0002-7803-8207

Eda Sertaşı 0000-0001-8565-0130

Ünal Öz 0000-0003-1918-3284

Zafer Karslı 0000-0003-1164-5149

Orhan Aral 0000-0001-8550-9970

Publication Date August 27, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Şahin, D., Öz, M., Sertaşı, E., Öz, Ü., et al. (2019). Adsorption Process of Ammonium by Natural Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) from Aqueous Solution for Aquaculture Application. Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research, 5(2), 136-141.