Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to KOJOSE are first assessed by the Editor to find out their suitability for the Journal. If the manuscript is not eligible, Editor will reject it without further processing. The manuscripts passing this initial screening are then checked by the anti-plagiarism software as mentioned in the “Anti-Plagiarism Policy” section of the journal website. Appropriate manuscripts are sent to at least two expert reviewers to assess the scientific level of the paper. KOJOSE adopts a single-blind review system in which the reviewers’ identities remain anonymous to the authors. Manuscripts are expected to meet certain standards of scientific excellence to get published in the Journal.

Reviewers may suggest acceptation, minor revision, major revision, or rejection of the manuscript together with their comments on it. If the reviewers’ suggestions are opposite to each other, then a third reviewer may be assigned by the editor. Upon receiving the reviewers’ comments, the editor informs the corresponding author with the editorial decision about the paper accompanied by the reviewers’ comments. If the decision implies the revision of the paper, the corresponding author is invited to revise their manuscript in a suitable time. Upon submitting the revised manuscript together with the authors’ responses to the reviewers’ comments, the editor may accept the paper for publishing in the Journal, reject, or return it to the reviewers to get their comments on the revised manuscript. All accepted manuscripts are checked by the language editor, and authors are asked to approve minor language revisions suggested by the language editor. In KOJOSE, the duration from submission to decision on an article takes on average three months.

Last Update Time: 2/11/22, 10:05:07 AM