Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 109 - 137, 30.04.2020


Bu çalışma ile iki ayrı deniz kazasının, “Erika” ve “Prestige” adlı tankerlerin
batması neticesi görülen lüzum gereği yapılan hukuki değişiklikler ele
alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada ilk olarak kazaların nasıl gerçekleştiğine dair
kısa bir bilgi verilecek ve sonrasında da kazalar neticesinde gerçekleştirilmesine
karar verilen hukuki değişiklikler uluslararası ve bölgesel bazda ele alınacaktır.
Bu incelemede, yapılan hukuki değişiklikler kronolojik bir sırayla incelenecektir.
Çalışmada özellikle Erika Paketleri ile şekillenen Avrupa Birliği hukukuna
yer verilecektir. İncelenen bu konular liman devleti kontrolü, klas kuruluşları,
tek cidarlı tankerlerin kullanımdan kaldırılması, Avrupa Deniz Güvenliği Ajansı,
araç trafiğinin izlenmesi gibi başlıkları içermektedir.


  • Aldo Chircop, “Living with Ships in Distress - A New IMO Decision-Making Framework for the Requesting and Granting of Refuge”, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, Cilt 3, No 1, 2004, ss. 31-49.
  • Ali Yasin Kaya / Kadir Emrah Erginer, “Türk Donatan İşletmelerinin Klas Kuruluşu Seçimlerinin Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Yöntemiyle Analizi”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 14, Sayı 2, 2016, ss. 1-17.
  • Amanda B.M. Fadigas, “Vulnerability Factors of Shellfisherwomen in the Face of Oil Spill Events: An Analysis of the Prestige Case”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Cilt 24, 2017, ss. 560-567.
  • Angela Carpenter, “The EU and Marine Environmental Policy: A Leader in Protecting the Marine Environment”, Journal of Contemporary European Research, Cilt 8, No 2, ss. 248-267.
  • Barbara Vaughan, “The Liability of Classification Societies”, 2006, Liability-of-Classification-Societies-UCT-LLM.pdf (Erişim Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019).
  • Caroline Stenman, The Development of the MARPOL and EU Regulations to Phase out Single Hulled Oil Tankers, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Göteborg, Department of Law, 2005.
  • Daniel Duda / Ryszard Wawruch, “The Impact of Major Maritime Accidents on the Development of International Regulations Concerning Safety of Navigation and Protection of the Environment”, Scientific Journal of Polish Naval Academy, Cilt 211, No 4, 2017, ss. 23-44.
  • Diego Carro et all., “Final Disposal of the Wastes Associated with the Oil Spill of the Tanker Prestige Through Its Stabilization with Quicklime and Granite Fines”, Soil & Sediment Contamination, Cilt 17, No 4, 2008, DOI: 10.1080/15320380802146636, ss. 393-410.
  • Directıve 2002/59/Ec of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2002, Establishing a Community Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System and Repealing Council, Directive 93/75/EEC, (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2001/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 2001 Amending Council Directive 94/57/EC on Common Rules and Standards for Ship Inspection and Survey Organisations and for the Relevant Activities of Maritime Administrations, https://eurlex. 105 (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2001/106/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 2001 Amending Council Directive 95/21/EC Concerning the Enforcement, in Respect of Shipping Using Community Ports and Sailing in the Waters Under the Jurisdiction of the Member States, of International Standards for Ship Safety, Pollution Prevention and Shipboard Living and Working Conditions (Port State Control), /publication/0747a1a4-efd0-4d6a-8273-09dd92cb13b3 (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2009/16/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on Port State Control, https://eurlex. 131:0057:0100:EN:PDF (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2009/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 Amending Directive 2002/59/EC Establishing a Community Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System, https://eurlex. (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019)
  • Directive 2009/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 Establishing the Fundamental Principles Governing the Investigation of Accidents in the Maritime Transport Sector and Amending Council Directive 1999/35/EC and Directive 2002/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, https://eurlex. 7:EN:PDF (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2009/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the Insurance of Shipowners for Maritime Claims, LexUri- (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2009/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on Compliance with Flag State Requirements, https://eurlex. Uri- (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Emilia Luoma, Oil Spills and Safety Legislation, Publications from the Centre for Maritime Studies, 2009.
  • Eric J. Jaworski, “Developments in Vessel-Based Pollution: Prestige Oil Catastrophe Threatens West European Coastline, Spurs Europe to Take Action Against Aging and Unsafe Tankers” Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy, Cilt 14, 2003, ss. 101-109.
  • European Commission, IP/03/1116, Brussels, 25 July 2003, (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • European Commission, Memo/01/387, Brussels, 27 November 2001, press-release_MEMO-01-387_en.htm (Erişim Tarihi 10 Haziran 2019).
  • European Commission, Memo/02/253, Brussels, 14 November 2002, press-release_MEMO-02-253_en.htm (Erişim Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019); European Commission, Memo/01/387.
  • European Maritime Safety Agency, “Action Plan for Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response Report”, 2004, item/486-the-pollution-preparedness-a-response-activities-of-theeuropean- maritime-safety-agency-report-2009.html (Erişim Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019).
  • European Maritime Safety Agency, ((Erişim Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019).
  • European Parliamentary Research Service, “Ex-Post Impact Assessment on the Implementation and Effects of the Third Maritime Safety Package”, October 2015.
  • Eva Heims, “Building EU Maritime Safety Regulatory Capacity”, Executive Politics and Governance,, 2019, ss. 83-110.
  • Garcia Negro et al., “Compensating System for Damages Caused by Oil Spill Pollution: Background for the Prestige Assessment Damage in Galicia, Spain”, Ocean & Coastal Management, Cilt 50, 2007, ss. 57-66.
  • Henning Jessen, The Liability of Classification Societies - Some Practical Issues, Comite Maritime International Yearbook, 2014.
  • International Maritime Organization, “International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (BUNKER)”, tOfConventions/ Pages/International-Convention-on-Civil-Liability-for-Bunker-Oil- Pollution-Damage-(BUNKER).aspx (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • International Maritime Organization, “International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)”, conventions/ pages/international-convention-for-the-prevention-of-pollutionfrom- ships-(marpol).aspx (Erişim Tarihi 15 Haziran 2019).
  • Jason Chuah, “The Third Eu Maritıme Safety Package Objectives and Challenges”, International and Regional Organisations: European Union, Cilt 15, 2009, ss. 1-3.
  • Javier Prado-Domínguez / Diego Varela, “The Prestige Disaster and the Proposal for a European Fund for the Compensation of Oil Pollution Damage: A Missed Opportunity for the European Union?”, The Annals of The “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Fascicle of the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, Cilt 11, No 2 (14), 2011, ss. 32- 39.
  • Jose Juste-Ruiz, “Compensation for Pollution Damage Caused by Oil Tanker Accidents: from ‘Erika’ to ‘Prestige’”, Aegean Review Law Sea, Cilt 1, 2010, ss. 37-60.
  • Juan Fernández-Tajes et al., “Monitoring Follow Up of Two Areas Affected by the Prestige Oil Four Years After the Spillage”, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A Current Issues, Cilt 74, 2011, ss. 1067-1075.
  • Juan L. Pulido, Compensation by the Coastal States - The Prestige Disaster, Jürgen Basedow ve Ulrich Magnus (der.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, ss. 151-169.
  • Julie Adshead, “The Application and Development of the Polluter-Pays Principle Across Jurisdictions in Liability for Marine Oil Pollution: The Tales of the ‘Erika’ and the ‘Prestige’”, Journal of Environmental Law, Cilt 30, 2018, ss. 425-451.
  • Ling Zhu, International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 – Liability and Insurance Aspects, Jürgen Basedow ve Ulrich Magnus (der.) Springer, 2007, ss. 171-180.
  • Maria Boilé et all., “Oil Spills in Maritime Transport Call for Action”, Transportation Research Record 1909, Cilt 1909, No 1, 2005, ss. 100-107.
  • Oya Özçayır, “The Erika and Its Aftermath”, International Maritime Law Journal, Cilt 7, No 7, 2000, uploads/2012/12/Erika. pdf (Erişim Tarihi 10 Haziran 2019).
  • Paris MoU on Port State Control, organisation (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Patricia Iciar Garcia, “‘Nunca Mais!’ How Current European Environmental Liability and Compensation Regimes are Addressing the Prestige Oil Spill of 2002”, University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law, Cilt 25, No 4, 2004, ss. 1395-1437.
  • Peter Geoffrey Wells, “The Iconic Torrey Canyon Oil Spill of 1967- Marking Its Legacy”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Cilt 115, 2017, ss. 1-2.
  • Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2002 Establishing a European Maritime Safety Agency, https://eurlex. 20130301:EN:PDF, (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • Regulation (EC) No 1726/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 July 2003 Amending Regulation (EC) No 417/2002 on the Accelerated Phasing-in of Double-Hull or Equivalent Design Requirements for Single-Hull Oil Tankers, en/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A32003R1726 (Erişim Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019).
  • Regulation (EC) No 391/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on Common Rules and Standards for Ship Inspection and Survey Organisations, https://eurlex. 3: EN:PDF (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Regulation (EC) No 392/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the Liability of Carriers of Passengers by Sea in the Event of Accidents, EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32009R0392&rid =1 (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Regulation (EC) No 417/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 February 2002 on the Accelerated Phasing-in of Double Hull or Equivalent Design Requirements for Single Hull Oil Tankers and Repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 2978/94, https://eurlex. (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • Technical Paper from the CPMR General Secretariat, “Implementation of the Erika III Package – State of Play”, Reference CRPMDTR110084 A7, February 2012.
  • The 1992 Civil Liability Convention, legalframework/ 1992-civil-liability-convention/ (Erişim Tarihi 15 Haziran 2019).
  • The International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds, (Erişim Tarihi 15 Haziran 2019). Thomas Höfer, “Tanker Safety and Coastal Environment: Prestige, Erika, and What Else?”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Cilt 10, No 1, 2003, ss. 1-5.
  • Wene, Justine, “European and International Regulatory Initiatives Due to the Erika and Prestige Incidents”, Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand, Cilt 19, 2005, ss. 56-73.
  • Wout Broekema, “Crisis-Induced Learning and Issue Politicization in the Eu: The Braer, Sea Empress, Erika, and Prestige Oil Spill Disasters”, Public Administration, Cilt 94, No 2, 2016, ss. 381-398.
Year 2020, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 109 - 137, 30.04.2020



  • Aldo Chircop, “Living with Ships in Distress - A New IMO Decision-Making Framework for the Requesting and Granting of Refuge”, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, Cilt 3, No 1, 2004, ss. 31-49.
  • Ali Yasin Kaya / Kadir Emrah Erginer, “Türk Donatan İşletmelerinin Klas Kuruluşu Seçimlerinin Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Yöntemiyle Analizi”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 14, Sayı 2, 2016, ss. 1-17.
  • Amanda B.M. Fadigas, “Vulnerability Factors of Shellfisherwomen in the Face of Oil Spill Events: An Analysis of the Prestige Case”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Cilt 24, 2017, ss. 560-567.
  • Angela Carpenter, “The EU and Marine Environmental Policy: A Leader in Protecting the Marine Environment”, Journal of Contemporary European Research, Cilt 8, No 2, ss. 248-267.
  • Barbara Vaughan, “The Liability of Classification Societies”, 2006, Liability-of-Classification-Societies-UCT-LLM.pdf (Erişim Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019).
  • Caroline Stenman, The Development of the MARPOL and EU Regulations to Phase out Single Hulled Oil Tankers, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Göteborg, Department of Law, 2005.
  • Daniel Duda / Ryszard Wawruch, “The Impact of Major Maritime Accidents on the Development of International Regulations Concerning Safety of Navigation and Protection of the Environment”, Scientific Journal of Polish Naval Academy, Cilt 211, No 4, 2017, ss. 23-44.
  • Diego Carro et all., “Final Disposal of the Wastes Associated with the Oil Spill of the Tanker Prestige Through Its Stabilization with Quicklime and Granite Fines”, Soil & Sediment Contamination, Cilt 17, No 4, 2008, DOI: 10.1080/15320380802146636, ss. 393-410.
  • Directıve 2002/59/Ec of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2002, Establishing a Community Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System and Repealing Council, Directive 93/75/EEC, (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2001/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 2001 Amending Council Directive 94/57/EC on Common Rules and Standards for Ship Inspection and Survey Organisations and for the Relevant Activities of Maritime Administrations, https://eurlex. 105 (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2001/106/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 2001 Amending Council Directive 95/21/EC Concerning the Enforcement, in Respect of Shipping Using Community Ports and Sailing in the Waters Under the Jurisdiction of the Member States, of International Standards for Ship Safety, Pollution Prevention and Shipboard Living and Working Conditions (Port State Control), /publication/0747a1a4-efd0-4d6a-8273-09dd92cb13b3 (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2009/16/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on Port State Control, https://eurlex. 131:0057:0100:EN:PDF (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2009/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 Amending Directive 2002/59/EC Establishing a Community Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System, https://eurlex. (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019)
  • Directive 2009/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 Establishing the Fundamental Principles Governing the Investigation of Accidents in the Maritime Transport Sector and Amending Council Directive 1999/35/EC and Directive 2002/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, https://eurlex. 7:EN:PDF (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2009/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the Insurance of Shipowners for Maritime Claims, LexUri- (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Directive 2009/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on Compliance with Flag State Requirements, https://eurlex. Uri- (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Emilia Luoma, Oil Spills and Safety Legislation, Publications from the Centre for Maritime Studies, 2009.
  • Eric J. Jaworski, “Developments in Vessel-Based Pollution: Prestige Oil Catastrophe Threatens West European Coastline, Spurs Europe to Take Action Against Aging and Unsafe Tankers” Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy, Cilt 14, 2003, ss. 101-109.
  • European Commission, IP/03/1116, Brussels, 25 July 2003, (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • European Commission, Memo/01/387, Brussels, 27 November 2001, press-release_MEMO-01-387_en.htm (Erişim Tarihi 10 Haziran 2019).
  • European Commission, Memo/02/253, Brussels, 14 November 2002, press-release_MEMO-02-253_en.htm (Erişim Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019); European Commission, Memo/01/387.
  • European Maritime Safety Agency, “Action Plan for Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response Report”, 2004, item/486-the-pollution-preparedness-a-response-activities-of-theeuropean- maritime-safety-agency-report-2009.html (Erişim Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019).
  • European Maritime Safety Agency, ((Erişim Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019).
  • European Parliamentary Research Service, “Ex-Post Impact Assessment on the Implementation and Effects of the Third Maritime Safety Package”, October 2015.
  • Eva Heims, “Building EU Maritime Safety Regulatory Capacity”, Executive Politics and Governance,, 2019, ss. 83-110.
  • Garcia Negro et al., “Compensating System for Damages Caused by Oil Spill Pollution: Background for the Prestige Assessment Damage in Galicia, Spain”, Ocean & Coastal Management, Cilt 50, 2007, ss. 57-66.
  • Henning Jessen, The Liability of Classification Societies - Some Practical Issues, Comite Maritime International Yearbook, 2014.
  • International Maritime Organization, “International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (BUNKER)”, tOfConventions/ Pages/International-Convention-on-Civil-Liability-for-Bunker-Oil- Pollution-Damage-(BUNKER).aspx (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • International Maritime Organization, “International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)”, conventions/ pages/international-convention-for-the-prevention-of-pollutionfrom- ships-(marpol).aspx (Erişim Tarihi 15 Haziran 2019).
  • Jason Chuah, “The Third Eu Maritıme Safety Package Objectives and Challenges”, International and Regional Organisations: European Union, Cilt 15, 2009, ss. 1-3.
  • Javier Prado-Domínguez / Diego Varela, “The Prestige Disaster and the Proposal for a European Fund for the Compensation of Oil Pollution Damage: A Missed Opportunity for the European Union?”, The Annals of The “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Fascicle of the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, Cilt 11, No 2 (14), 2011, ss. 32- 39.
  • Jose Juste-Ruiz, “Compensation for Pollution Damage Caused by Oil Tanker Accidents: from ‘Erika’ to ‘Prestige’”, Aegean Review Law Sea, Cilt 1, 2010, ss. 37-60.
  • Juan Fernández-Tajes et al., “Monitoring Follow Up of Two Areas Affected by the Prestige Oil Four Years After the Spillage”, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A Current Issues, Cilt 74, 2011, ss. 1067-1075.
  • Juan L. Pulido, Compensation by the Coastal States - The Prestige Disaster, Jürgen Basedow ve Ulrich Magnus (der.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, ss. 151-169.
  • Julie Adshead, “The Application and Development of the Polluter-Pays Principle Across Jurisdictions in Liability for Marine Oil Pollution: The Tales of the ‘Erika’ and the ‘Prestige’”, Journal of Environmental Law, Cilt 30, 2018, ss. 425-451.
  • Ling Zhu, International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 – Liability and Insurance Aspects, Jürgen Basedow ve Ulrich Magnus (der.) Springer, 2007, ss. 171-180.
  • Maria Boilé et all., “Oil Spills in Maritime Transport Call for Action”, Transportation Research Record 1909, Cilt 1909, No 1, 2005, ss. 100-107.
  • Oya Özçayır, “The Erika and Its Aftermath”, International Maritime Law Journal, Cilt 7, No 7, 2000, uploads/2012/12/Erika. pdf (Erişim Tarihi 10 Haziran 2019).
  • Paris MoU on Port State Control, organisation (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Patricia Iciar Garcia, “‘Nunca Mais!’ How Current European Environmental Liability and Compensation Regimes are Addressing the Prestige Oil Spill of 2002”, University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law, Cilt 25, No 4, 2004, ss. 1395-1437.
  • Peter Geoffrey Wells, “The Iconic Torrey Canyon Oil Spill of 1967- Marking Its Legacy”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Cilt 115, 2017, ss. 1-2.
  • Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2002 Establishing a European Maritime Safety Agency, https://eurlex. 20130301:EN:PDF, (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • Regulation (EC) No 1726/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 July 2003 Amending Regulation (EC) No 417/2002 on the Accelerated Phasing-in of Double-Hull or Equivalent Design Requirements for Single-Hull Oil Tankers, en/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A32003R1726 (Erişim Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019).
  • Regulation (EC) No 391/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on Common Rules and Standards for Ship Inspection and Survey Organisations, https://eurlex. 3: EN:PDF (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Regulation (EC) No 392/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the Liability of Carriers of Passengers by Sea in the Event of Accidents, EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32009R0392&rid =1 (Erişim Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019).
  • Regulation (EC) No 417/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 February 2002 on the Accelerated Phasing-in of Double Hull or Equivalent Design Requirements for Single Hull Oil Tankers and Repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 2978/94, https://eurlex. (Erişim Tarihi 11 Haziran 2019).
  • Technical Paper from the CPMR General Secretariat, “Implementation of the Erika III Package – State of Play”, Reference CRPMDTR110084 A7, February 2012.
  • The 1992 Civil Liability Convention, legalframework/ 1992-civil-liability-convention/ (Erişim Tarihi 15 Haziran 2019).
  • The International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds, (Erişim Tarihi 15 Haziran 2019). Thomas Höfer, “Tanker Safety and Coastal Environment: Prestige, Erika, and What Else?”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Cilt 10, No 1, 2003, ss. 1-5.
  • Wene, Justine, “European and International Regulatory Initiatives Due to the Erika and Prestige Incidents”, Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand, Cilt 19, 2005, ss. 56-73.
  • Wout Broekema, “Crisis-Induced Learning and Issue Politicization in the Eu: The Braer, Sea Empress, Erika, and Prestige Oil Spill Disasters”, Public Administration, Cilt 94, No 2, 2016, ss. 381-398.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Kamu Hukuku

Gökhan Güneysu 0000-0002-1754-953X

Figen Tabanlı 0000-0002-9290-0350

Publication Date April 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


Chicago Güneysu, Gökhan, and Figen Tabanlı. “ERIKA VE PRESTIGE KAZALARININ OLUŞAN HUKUK KURALLARINA ETKİSİ”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 15, no. 1 (April 2020): 109-37. University Journal of Law Faculty by Erciyes University Law Faculty is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0